I’m very interested in talking with you about my philosophy of education and participating with Christ in His suffering, but to do that well we need to be at home with good, philosophical conversation.
Lord willing, we will be having ZOOM conversations at 7 pm (CDT) on Wednesday evenings. The only breaks in this routine will be during the seasons of Advent and Lent.
Sign up to be a LUTHERAN PHILOSOPHER email subscriber below and I’ll send you all the information about the ZOOM conversations.
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My approach to Philosophy KATA CHRISTON (see Colossians 2:6-9) is enframed by two texts. Both are prayers to the God who reveals Himself to us human beings in the biblical text, the Holy Scriptures.
The first prayer is from opening paragraphs of Augustine’s The Confessions. It identifies a central existential reality for us as human beings in our inquietus or Angst apart from God in Christ.
The second prayer is Psalm 22, a prayer from God to David, from David to Jesus Messiah, from Jesus the Second Person of the Triune God to each of us, to be prayed back to God in the midst of our suffering in our time of grace.
My guiding question: What can philosophy do for confessional Lutheran thinking and what can confessional Lutheran thinking do for philosophy?
Although I think this conversation ought to include thoughtful persons whatever the level of their commitment to Lutheran thinking, I myself hold an unqualified quia subscription to the Lutheran Confessions. I've actually made a public promise to teach in line with Holy Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions (in fact, I am an ordained Lutheran pastor with 35-plus years in the public ministry).
We sometimes hear that religious piety undercuts our academic pursuit of truth. I accept and even welcome the tension this creates for me, day in and day out. On the one hand, I come to my intellectual commitments honestly, as the result of my ongoing thinking about Lutheran doctrine, to satisfy myself whether and to what extent (quatenus) it agrees with Scripture. On the other, I find that the Lutheran mode of thought -- in particular, our theology of the cross and our doctrine of the means of grace -- is deeply satisfying and winsome.
Flight Bag - Philosophical necessities to have in your backpack for thinking, feeling, and acting on the basis of Christ, the Word of God in our human flesh (ontology and epistemology).
Videos topics include ...
How and Why to Pack Your Own Flight Bag
The Three Acts of Mind
Types of Human Reasoning
Being Human Beings and Triune Human Consciousness
Knowing Things as They Are
See the Ten Master Metaphor Series
Mission Navigation - How to keep yourself oriented toward Christ in the heavy turbulence of The Age of Lies in which we live (History of Ideas, Philosophy of Emotion and culture).
Video topics include ...
Total Situation Awareness
Ideas Have Consequences
The Climate and the Weather of Our Souls
Live Not By Lies
See the "Live Not By Lies" series from Luther Memorial Chapel
This is a two part video lecture that I gave at Luther Memorial Chapel. The two topics discussed are ...
Part 1: Live Not by Lies: Why Science as Such Should Never, Ever Set Policies for ...
Part 2: Live Not by Lies: The Ontological Option for Media In-Formation
This is my Master Metaphors series hosted by Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller at WhatDoesThisMean.org. (note: metaphors in the post appear in reverse order)
Metaphors include ... Plato's Cave, Aristotle's Cross Examination of Nature, St. Augustine's Stealing the Pears, Thomas Aquinas' Phoenix, Descarte's Evil Demon, Berkeley's Table, Kant's Categorical Imperative, Nietzsche's Mad Man, Wittgenstein's Rule for When to Speak and When to Be Silent, and Searle's Chinese Room.
Mission Communication - Attuning ourselves to the fellowship of language (LOGOS in Greek).
Video topics include ...
Language as Atmosphere
Language as Proof of God's Existence
Language as God's Medium of Grace to Us Human Beings
Authorized Countermeasures Against Postmodernist Attacks on Language
See The Word of God Cannot Be Canceled Video
Flying the Mission - Question. "Where is the Life we have lost in living?" Answer. Philosophy Kata Christon!
Video Topics include ...
Missio Dei (God's Mission Toward Us and Through Us) as flying SAR Missions
Bioethics or Zoe-ethics?
We Believe for the Purpose of Understanding -- and for Acting in Harmony with Christ's Will
The Mission Includes Suffering and Dying
The Philosophy of Christ the Life is Apocalyptic
See the Video Series with Bryan Wolfmueller on Suffering and my Reformation 2021 Sermon
Here's a YouTube playlist of all the conversations I've had with Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller.
A list of Interviews on Issues Etc ... (click here for full archive)